Saturday, December 17, 2011

Flashmobs for Cadbury

Hell I am SO tired, I just woke up from a seemingly ten minutes sleep but as actually three hours, yet my body still feels like lead and I cant seem to wake up fully. Exhaustion. Ah, what a day. Out of the three Cadbury flashmobs I have to say this one was the most informal, which is good obviously, hell, I remember the time we did the second flashmob for a wedding anniversary I found out every girl had to wear a princess-like fairytale dress..OMG was totally unprepared..and the dress was so damn freaking long even all the pins I put on it and the stupid aching heels weren’t enough to hold it up, lol.

Gosh one particularly embarrassing part was when I had to do a twirl with my partner and I was like, oh shit.

You know what.

Im going to have to hop, not walk gracefully, if I don't want to trip. And flashmobs never start early. Like never. I remember going there super early in the morning and it didn’t start until 5 plus…oh well, at least we got paid extra for that. ^.^

downside is, I lost my wallet containing ALL my money, my previous savings, adding up to RM300 plus altogether. Yeah yeah. I was an idiot for not putting it in my bag. Lesson learned. Yes. I left it in the toilet while changing. When I remembered and rushed to get it before the flashmob was starting, I had to run in my heels and with the annoying dress dragging along the way, it was not easy to ignore the curious stares of the other shoppers.
A few more perverted ones whistled, but I think my sister got more attention. No one will be looking at me when she’s beside. When I got to the toilet I realised it was gone. Ok fuck. No other choice but to just forget about it and dance.

yeah today flashmob was a wedding proposal, the guy was dressing up as this bear stalking her around Pyramid since she likes bears. whilst he's doing his stalking thing his girlfriend is brought to A Cut Above for free makeup and hairdo..(of course everything is paid by Cadbury.) we then wait for HOURS at the tent entrance and the MC's entertains the crowd up. I just remember trying to stay in one place and looking out for our cue to start to dance and not get pushed over by other ppl.
It was freaking crowded in there,seriously. Plus the long waiting didnt help me sweat less.

The beautiful soon to be bride finally entered and we all started clapping, she looks bedazzling, so she walks up in the red-no purple carpet up to the MC's where they congratulate her and blah blah. So she has no idea whats happening, and we start to dance. yeah and we dont have enough space. =.= did the best i could, but whatever.
finally, hallelujah, done! got our money, we left to eat at Simply Penang, and i could finally go home. i mean, flahmobs are fun.

But i wish people would appreciate dancers more. no matter how good and bad just as long as they are dancing or on stage. Its not easy to get up there, and we have follow all the organizations and wishes of the client. Not to forget waking up super duper early too, and driving to freaking far places including avoid jam, and the long hours of waiting...yeah.