Saturday, July 16, 2011

Happy then Lost

My mind id refreshed it well and clean..traces of darkness still lurk but i'm able to banish them away for now..tomorow is DA day hopefully..i need inspiration..motivation and support..
I have the first two naturally,an unique ability to inspire and motivate myself anytime i want..its truly not hard. But for that, i need support, and sadly to say, i have none at the moment. i live a dull life at home, cuz nobody's willing to listen much or comment. I feel i truly come to life at dance..only at night..the me during the rest of the day is a humourless, walking zombie..

Another way i found to preoocupy my time is reading..don't underestimate the power of books. They can motivate..lie..create new things..teach..and bring you to a new world. The reason i read is because to expand my imagination..since young already this love for reading has been implanted in me and i wanted to be a writer. All my unfinished short stories have been misplaced..but i still remember each and every storyline. The characters are stcuk in my head, because they arll are a part of me. Somehow, they represent me, each of them i wrote based on a unique aspect trait that i possess.

I still write, but i find it difficult these days. Maybe its because im unable to express myself more than usual..when i was younger there were no limits...but now..